Congressman Dennis Ross Announces Re-election Campaign


Date: March 7, 2016
Location: Lakeland, FL
Issues: Elections

Today, Congressman Dennis Ross held events in Plant City, Lakeland, and Clermont to announce his intention to run for re-election in Florida's 15th Congressional District.

Ross a Conservative Republican with a proven track record of fighting for solutions for Florida families from strengthening our national security, securing our border, lowering taxes, providing more consumer flood insurance options, and getting costly government mandates out of the lives of Central Floridians.

In his announcement speech Ross stated:

"Cindy and I were born and raised here in the 15th district. We have lived here our whole lives. Our kids grew up here and went to school here. We are blessed to live in an area with thriving communities, diverse neighborhoods, abundant farmland, excellent colleges and universities, great weather and most importantly, wonderful and hardworking people.

I ran for Congress because I thought Washington was broken, but I had no idea how broken it really was. Since being elected, I've made tough choices and cast difficult votes. The battles we have fought are not always enjoyable but they are worth fighting for. And I can truly say we have made a difference.

But our work is not done. I firmly believe that these next 2 years are the most important 2 years in our lifetime. Our safety and security are at risk both at home and abroad. Islamic terrorists threaten our way of life. Our budget deficit threatens our way of life. And what's happening in our country can't continue. I'm optimistic our best days are ahead and we can and must get our country back on the right track.

It's been an honor and privilege to work on your behalf in Congress, and we need to make sure our nation once again has the ability to do great things. That's why today, I am here to announce my reelection and to ask you to bless me with another term in Congress. With your help, we can do it!"
